Thursday, October 2, 2008

~ Hari Raya Has Come!!~~

~~ Yeah,Yeah,Yeah Hari Raya has come....
i am so haapy that the day that i have been
waiting has come...its been a month tat
we have been fasting...on the night before
Hari Raya we all are very busy getting ready
to celebrate Hari Raya...BK33 did not have the
time to on the computer...but on the morning
Hari Raya we all would be very sad as some
of us did alot of things tat we should not do
to them..some of us cry when we asked for

~Selamat Hari Raya Minalaidil Walfaizin...
aku nk minta maaf pade korng semue kalau2
aku ade terkasar bahase atau buat salah
kat korang...maaf kan kesilapan dan kesalahan